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Hey friends, this is Trinity and I am trying to persue my modeling career.  This page is to let you know a little more about me and to share my photos with you.

Name: Trinity Star

Birthdate: April 20th

Location: San Diego

Occupation: Model

Website(s):  this one and  model #65422

Status: Dating

Measurements: 34-26-36

Eyes/Hair: Blue eyes and Blond/Brown hair

Height/Weight: 5'7", 115

Hobbies/Interests: Offroading at the desert, I love cichlids (fish), my kitten, fixing up my 68 bug, and reading magazines... and shopping (I know such a girly thing), Just pretty much having fun....Meeting new people and seeing what this world has to offer me...

Ride: 1997 Accord wagon ex WHOA.....................ha




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Thanks for dropping by and taking a look at my photos. Please get in touch with any comments or reactions!